With scientists worldwide racing to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, many employers are asking if they can require employees to be vaccinated.  As with everything COVID-19, there are many open questions, but here are some of the major legal issues in considering mandatory vaccination policies. To learn more, please visit Husch Blackwell’s Safety Law Matters blog.

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Photo of Priscilla Murray Priscilla Murray

Healthcare, life sciences and higher education attorneys depend on Priscilla’s 20 plus years of client development and marketing experience to build relationships with existing clients and prospects. She works closely with leadership to develop and support the strategic plans of the Strategic Business…

Healthcare, life sciences and higher education attorneys depend on Priscilla’s 20 plus years of client development and marketing experience to build relationships with existing clients and prospects. She works closely with leadership to develop and support the strategic plans of the Strategic Business Unit to implement nationwide business development goals for practice service groups and initiatives. Priscilla is GrowthPlay coaching and coach-in-residence certified.