Recent conversations with associates at Husch Blackwell reminded me of my days as an associate. I recall wondering whether I was doing a good job, if more billable hours meant significantly more money, and what it would really take to be made partner. The firm had a mentor program, and associate reviews, but I still was unsure of the answers. Approaching a partner directly was intimidating. The partners who assigned me work were very smart, important and busy, and getting any of their time just to answer questions on work assignments was tough. I also worried about coming across like I wasn’t ambitious, intelligent, or appreciative. Over the years, I’ve tried to mentor associates inside and outside the firm and create more comfortable opportunities for these kinds of discussions.
As we start 2021, I encourage senior lawyers to reach out to associates and make themselves available to guide them on building a successful and meaningful health law practice. To help facilitate these conversations, and create connections across the ABA Health Law Section membership, I’ve asked a handful of diverse associates to anonymously provide me their questions on the above topics. I’ve shared their questions in my recent ABA article (under a fictitious name), along with my answers. I have no doubt others have different perspectives of equal value.
Questions from Associates: https://bit.ly/38O6mND