An Attorney’s Perspectives for Hospice Boards

Hospice boards today need to be well-versed in a number of areas that directly or indirectly address legal issues. In this three-part Hospice Governance Academy Spotlight Interview, Bill Musick, President of Integriti3D, talks with Meg Pekarske, a partner at Husch Blackwell and host of the podcast, “Hospice Insights: The Law and Beyond.” They discuss the most pressing issues for hospice boards, ensuring that compliance plans are effective, and how to prepare for the future.

Segment 2: Ensuring an Effective Compliance Program

The Office of Inspector General expects that boards have oversight for compliance issues, be aware of them, and generally be informed of the healthcare regulatory environment. In this segment, Meg Pekarske discusses how a board can understand from an industry perspective if it has a good compliance program. She’ll detail the following:

  • How to set the stage
  • Developing an audit plan
  • Involving the compliance officer

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